Glass Repair
Glass Repair
Save 50% or More On The Cost of Glass Replacement

Glass Repair
The first things most people think of when they have a damaged window are – 1. Can Glass be Repaired and 2.How much is it going to cost me to have a new window put in? This is fair if the window is cracked, or broken but, what if the damage is less severe – is it possible to repair the window?
Well the answers to these questions are:
1. Yes damaged glass can be repaired, if it is scratched or the surface is cloudy due to chemical damage or acid rain and
2. The cost is usually around 50% of the cost of glass replacement and often much more
Thanks to a revolutionary system only recently made available in Australia and brought to Adelaide by Adelaide Glass Polishing there are many instances when a shop window, window at home or another glass object can be repaired and the great thing about it is that thi brings about a significant saving for the customer.
Glass Replacement
Glass Replacement is very costly, particularly if you are talking about a shop window, which is a bigger thicker pane of glass and is toughened safety glass. Replacing a window also means you have to bear the cost of removing and disposing of the old window and have a fair amount of disruption, inconvenience and mess whilst the glazing job is being carried out.
Do you need Glass Replacement?
Before you commit to purchasing a new window, check how bad the damage is and investigate whether or not the window can be repaired.
If the glass is scratched, chipped or has been effected by chemicals, glue or another substance it is possible to restore it to it’s former glory by engaging a glass polisher, such as Adelaide Glass Polishing. It takes a fraction of the time that replacing the window would take and the cost is considerably less.
Give us a call on 0438 535 828 today

Adelaide Glass Repair
Adelaide Glass Repair – Fixed For Less Than New